Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Coach Owen: the Man, the Myth, the Legend

Coach Tommy Owen's track team workout was feared by all especially his football players who only were on the track team because it was understood that he expected your participation even though you had no chance of ever seeing any meet appearances.
His workouts were brutal especially for those that hated to run in general like my strong tackle Mike "Bull" Denson and myself. One beautiful early Spring afternoon we were about a quarter of the way through our workout when I stopped for a blow next to Mike(on the east side of the old football field which was our "track" at the time ). We were both enjoying a brief timeout when Mike asked me if I had seen TO and before I could respond Coach Owen appeared out of nowhere from directly behind us and placing his hands on our shoulders and at the same time asked why we were standing around.
Needless to say we took off running and the myth of TO grew by leaps and bounds for us mere mortals. One of my special memories for a great man who commanded your respect with just his presence.

submitted by Peter Power '69

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